Self-Care Jumpstart

You know what to do, you just aren’t doing it.

Autoimmune disease demands a lot from you and can feel all-consuming. While you know you need to take better care of yourself, there are roadblocks that keep getting in your way.

Whether you’re not eating well, neglecting your relationships, or staying in the safe zone and never pursuing your dreams, your current life is not the one you actually desire.

So you sign up for programs, read the latest books, and research the latest ‘systems’…and it seems like you have all the information you need. You create a plan that seems perfect and for a while things are going great.

Then things start to fall apart–maybe you have a setback, maybe something else takes priority–and you’re back at square one, not taking care of yourself and ignoring the areas of your life that are screaming at you.

(I’m not making up the above scenario–that was me until I created a system for myself.)

Simply having an autoimmune disease can be frustrating and scary. Knowing how to manage it all can be downright daunting.

There are medical appointments, medications, supplements, healing modalities to try, and an endless list of what you can and can’t eat. Then there are the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of your health–anxiety, worry, exhaustion, resentment.

On top of that, you have the pressures of everyday life with work, family, chores, and everything in between. When you add it all up, taking better care of yourself and following your dreams can feel like an impossibility.

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar.

But this cannot, and should not, be your norm and not just because it’s holding you back from living life fully. The lack of self-care can also exacerbate your symptoms and prevents you from full, lasting healing. Living with an autoimmune illness can be unforgiving and relentless and you often wonder if you’ll be trapped in this loop forever.

So tell me…

Do you dream of a life that is less about your illness and more about who you are at your core and what you desire? Can you imagine your days filled with more vibrancy, peace, and joy?

Yes? Then we’re on the right track because…

The freedom and ease you want are closer than you think.

This program will provide you with coaching and cheerleading, in addition to equipping you with the transformational tools needed to kickstart the change in your life. You know that resistance you’ve felt in your mind when it comes to making these big changes? Imagine it melting away as you begin to clearly see what path to take, identify your next steps, and tap into your inner drive to make it happen and maintain your progress.

What you’ll need to keep in mind is that this kind of change won’t happen overnight. It’s about taking it step by step so that a single day of taking action turns into two, then a week, then months.

Then one day, you wake up and realize your life is now more like what you once dreamt of.

This new way of life is uniquely designed to honor what’s important to you. It’s built around your busy schedule, the requirements of your body, your lifestyle, and your values.

Now that you feel more balanced and fulfilled, you’ll feel happier, have more energy, and your day-to-day will be more enjoyable. When life does go wonky and things get off track, you will have your own unique system in place to make sure you take consistent care of yourself while you recalibrate.

Prioritizing your self-care will become second nature.

So imagine your life being one of joyful bliss.

When I say that, I don’t mean an “Instagram perfect” life shown through a pretty, rosy filter. I mean one that’s authentic to YOU. A life filled with travel or staying cozy at home, reading books, or watching Netflix; with a house as clean or messy as you like; where you can delight in having lots of people around or enjoy being blissfully alone. It’s a life that’s unapologetically unique to you and what you need and want out of it.

When you take care of yourself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

You already have the power to have everything you want. I’m going to help you discover and tap into it so you can create the life you crave.

After working with me, you will:

–        Transform one area of your life that needs some TLC using a super simple plan tailored to you. No cookie cutter stuff here.

–        Feel more confident and empowered when it comes to taking care of yourself and your health.

–        Access your own healing power and amplify your success.

–        Know how to reset and continue with your self-care when life happens and you “fall off the wagon”.

–        Have a clear direction of how to go from feeling not-so-fabulous to fantastic and creating a happier and healthier life.

The Self-Care Reset Package includes:

Quick Start Assessment

This quick-start guide will help set you up so you get the best results from our time together. You’ll fill out a short questionnaire to get clarity on where you are now, what areas of your life need your attention, and where you want to be.

60-minute Coaching Session:

I’ll help you laser in on one area of self-care that you know would make a big impact on your happiness and health…if you were doing it.

You’ll learn what your biggest block to consistent self-care is and receive coaching, guidance, and sacred practices to move past what’s holding you back from creating the life you desire. You’ll work on anchoring new beliefs and feelings to make it easier to change habits and take action.

I’ll help you learn where to direct your energy so you are not so overwhelmed by it all. (This is a step I was missing for years but once I got it, things flowed so much better!)

You’ll come away with a personalized healing meditation to help you achieve greater success.

You’ll also discover the one “must” that a lot of coaches gloss over but without it, you’d be stuck in the same place you are now.

Your Personalised Meditation:

After your session, you will receive an email with the recording of your personalized meditation during our session. This will allow you to integrate your healing further to help you get faster results.

The Follow-up:

Two weeks after your first session, you’ll have a 30-minute follow-up session to review your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and receive more coaching to help you continue on your way.

You CAN have the life you want.

Living with an illness can be hugely challenging and overwhelming but it is absolutely possible to have a joyous, fulfilling, and purpose-filled life. No matter what is going on with your health, I want you to know there is always hope and things can always change for the better.

The Self-Care Jumpstart session will help guide you to the life you desire.

To book your session please contact me at kylamakicoaching (at)

Cost – $99.00

This program is non-refundable.