How to Create a Better World

December 9, 2016 By: KylaM - No Comments

So I know it’s been a while and I promised a video on how to have the feeling of travel in your everyday life without travelling but in the past month I have watched the world ignite after the US election and as a result I felt called to share something different.

Lately I have been seeing a lot of articles and facebook posts where people are expressing a lot of anger, frustration and fear as to what is going on in the world and in their local community. There is also a sense of powerlessness. I know at times I have felt this myself and in the past I would have brushed things like an upsetting article off or I would post something on facebook or sign a petition and move on.

But I have been thinking a lot about my role in the world and how I can make a difference in my community and in the global community. Something I feel is very important. After some discussions with friends about feeling frustrated and powerless I realize I needed to do more that share things on facebook or sign a petition (not that both of those things aren’t great). I realized that I need to take more action and allow my voice to be heard on a greater level.

So I made a list of how I can make a difference when I am feeling frustrated and want to change something. I thought I would share it here in case it helps some of you who like me may get frustrated by things and want to do something about it.

Letters or Calls to elected officials – If our elected officials don’t hear from us they won’t know what direction the people in their riding want then to take. Or what we would like to see them do while in office. While this article is American I think it gives a good idea of how to contact your elected officials. Share what you write or talk about with your elected officials to make it easier for others to take action.

Click here for Article

Voting – On all levels of government. This goes without saying but it really is the easiest way to have our voice heard.

Donate to your favorite charity – I donate a small amount monthly to my favorite charities. Because it is a small amount I don’t notice it and the charity can count on this money coming in every month. Don’t underestimate even a small donation, every little bit helps.

Volunteer – Excellent organizations are always looking for volunteers to help out. So if you have the time and energy it can be a great way to make a difference.

Spend your Dollars where it matters (or don’t spend them) – There are some great stores in in my home town I like to support because they are locally owned, independent stores. Places like an organic grocery store; and stores that caries only environmentally friendly and ethical products; a chocolate shop (yum); coffee shops (my hometown has great coffee shops) and many more. While I still purchase from big stores I try to support local businesses as often as I can. I also choose not to spend my money on certain brands; like Nestle which is doing some not nice things to people’s water supply. You can get more info here –

Another decision I made was to subscribe to a newspaper I enjoyed. Without people supporting and purchasing from newspapers they won’t be able to do the job of investigative journalism which is crucial to democracy.

Click here for article

This is an excellent article talking about journalism that I encourage you to read.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Living in a healthy environment is important to me (and my health) so while I often feel frustrated by how our environment is treated by the government and corporations I know one of the best things I can do is be responsible for how I treat the earth. For me that means carpooling, recycling, reducing my impact by using less and reusing what I can. I am by no means perfect or even that great at it but the more I do the more empowered I feel.

Do your research – Afraid of something or someone or don’t understand why something is important to them? Do your research on the matter; get different opinions and facts from all sides (not just the side that’s comfortable to you). Get to know to know the person (or group of people) you don’t understand. Often we can have a reaction of fear when we the reality is our fear comes from the unknown (or assumptions). So do your research and let the unknown become known.

Another side to this is being open to why something is important to someone. There are times when I read an article or see something in the news and not feel its importance but that is because some issues are not in my sphere of life or interest. I know I have felt this from other people. For example while for me rights of disabled people are forefront on my mind because my brother is disabled a lot of other people don’t think about it because they don’t know any disabled people or may not care. But care and funding for disabled people are crucial to my family, so when people brush it aside an unimportant it is hard for me. So when presented with an issue you may not think is important stop and try to look at it from someone else’s point of view and struggle.

Be Focused – You can stay informed and involved but you don’t have to be immersed into the slog of things (unless you want to). A long time ago I stopped reading comments on articles because there was so much negativity in the comments sections. It was a waste of my time and energy and didn’t help me get things done. So now I really am focused on where I put my time and energy so as not to get distracted on the online rabbit hole.

Be the best, happiest you possible – Okay so maybe you’re asking what does ‘being the best possible me’ have to do with making change in the world? Well it has a lot to do with making a difference in the world; in fact it is the first place you should start.

Here is what I mean. When I am happy and satisfied with my life I am nicer to people around me, I am more patient. When talking with others I am more likely to be in dialogue vs debate. When I take care of myself I have more energy and patience to look at things from other viewpoints. I also have more energy to write letters, make phone calls, to advocate and encourage change.

Taking care of yourself is really the first step in making a difference. Because when you feel great, you will have more space and room for the things that are calling you. You are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the things you want to change and you will be more able to move forward in action with hope and love.

In summary I believe that we must all be advocates for the community we live in and we must never doubt that our voice is important. We all have the potential to create change in this world.

Now I’d love to hear from you what things do you do to make a difference in your community? Or what would you like to start doing? Is there anything holding you back? Please post a comment below.

I can’t wait to hear from you, have a great week!
