The Sure-Fire way to have an amazing year

January 27, 2020 By: KylaM - No Comments

Happy New Year!

Or maybe at this point it should be Happy Lunar New Year as it’s now a few weeks away from Jan. 1st.  It’s usually by this point that I feel my New Year is starting and that the last bits of last year’s lessons are complete.

I used to feel so much pressure at the start of the year to hurry up, pick a goal and make it happen. Unfortunately, in my rush to ‘start my new year off right’, I ended up like a lot of others who make new year’s resolutions, not taking action, in the same place I started except more frustrated and with feelings of failure.

By the end of the year I felt like time flew by and that I accomplished nothing; not a fun feeling. A few years ago I decided it was time to change things and deliberately plan out my year.

By combining things I’ve learnt from mentors, my coaching training, what I wanted from each year and some experimenting I came up with a ritual I use every January to design the year I want.

I’ve been using this system for a few years now and finally feel like I have it where I can consistently create the most impactful year I want. At the end of a year I finally feel like it hasn’t passed me by but that I made the most of it.

I have done things like travel to Japan, improve my eating, take time to do hobbies, getting a will done and so many other things. I am able to do this because I map out what I want to embody for the year, how I want to feel, what the goals and experiences I want are.

It’s such a simple but powerful way to start the year. Don’t let another year pass you by, click the photo below to watch my New Year process.

What do you want for your year? What are your goals?

How do you want to design your year?

Post in the comments below and let me know.
