Why Living your Desired Life is Crucial for your Health

January 19, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

Happy New Year!

I have finally come out of hibernation, I had an amazing time off with friends and family. The photo above is of my amazing countryside visit. It was a beautiful winter wonderland. But after a wonderfully restful break I am ready to embrace a new year.

Every year I pick a theme for the year, last year my theme was self-care. It was something I really needed and I benefited a lot from focusing on self-care for the year. Having a theme reminds me of my focus and goal for the year. And the word self-care reminded me that taking care of myself was my main priority.

My theme for this year is focus. Focus on creating my desires and not letting myself get distracted by anything that takes me away from that goal.

Living a life that is what you desire is a big part of living a healthy life. I know when I wasn’t living my life how I wanted I felt frustrated and stuck. I wasn’t happy and it drained my energy, making me feel tired. I didn’t feel healthy and I felt held back and like I wasn’t living life.

It was not how I wanted to live my life. So I decided that if I wanted to be healthy and feel vibrant I needed to live my desired life.

Do you feel like you are living your desired life? What do you want your life to look like? Please share below, I can’t wait to hear from you!


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