You are Awesome!

September 20, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

You were made to be awesome! This is the quote from Kid President and it’s something that I can often forget about myself.

So often we can get into mindset of looking at our faults, this is especially so when you have a chronic illness. It’s hard to think ‘I am awesome’ when you feel terrible and your body isn’t doing what you want it to do.

I know for myself when I was really sick all I could see what was wrong with me and I felt the complete opposite from awesome. Not an awesome feeling and it makes it difficult to heal.

It is also hard to see how awesome we are when we are not living a life in alignment with our desires and not being true to who we are. It’s hard to feel awesome when we are not happy with our choices or happy with how we are living our life.

It may seem arrogant to proclaim I am awesome but recognizing our awesomeness is just part of loving who we are and the life we live.

Watch the video to see my challenge for you this week.

Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below please share 5 reasons why you are awesome.

Remember if you get stuck ask your friends for help. It can be hard for us to see the good in ourselves but it is easier for our loved ones to see it for us. I know how awkward it can feel to publically profess what we think is awesome about ourselves but it is an important step in loving yourself.

Thanks for watching and sharing!

All my best,


To find out more about how I can help you check out my services at my ‘Work with Me’ page or my ‘Praise’ page.