The Importance of Deep Breathing

September 13, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

Ah breathing the unconscious function that when brought into the conscious can help our body relax. Conscious deep breathes have a lot of benefits on of which is helping to put us in a parasympathetic state which helps us digest. And as I’m sure you know when we digest well we have better colon health.

When busy or stressed our body can be tense and we take short shallow breathes. But this doesn’t help us digest and can lead to tension in our body and pain. At least it does for me.

In today’s video, I talk about deep conscious breathing and its benefits.

Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below please share how you felt different after taking your deep conscious breathes. What did you notice in your body? What thoughts, feelings or emotions came up for you?

Remember deep breathes are the easiest way to engage your body to be in a parasympathetic state. So anytime you feel scared, tense, anxious, before you eat or before you go to sleep take some time to do some deep breathing.

Thanks for watching and sharing!

All my best,


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