Dane Johnson Interview – Part 2

March 7, 2018 By: KylaM - No Comments

‘Diet has nothing to do with it, one of my patients found carrots bothered them another it was potatoes but there’s no correlation of diet with the disease.’

That was what I heard when my Mom asked the gastroenterologist if diet has anything to do with my ulcerative colitis. So, with that information I went on my way, lived my life as usual and took the medication he prescribed me.

But after several years of following doctors’ orders and still feeling sick I knew I had to try something different. I had to take control of my health, I had to be my own doctor. So, with the help of a fabulous herbalist, a change in my diet, lifestyle and outlook on life I started to get better.

You see while technically the gastroenterologist was not wrong (There is no specific food that causes colitis) he was wrong in the sense that what I was eating had no effect on my illness. But it wasn’t until I made changes to my diet and other aspects of my life that my health changed.

That’s why I had to take my health in own hands, only I could know what my body truly needed. If I didn’t take charge of my health and listen to my body my health could be in much worse shape.

In part 2 of my interview with Dane Johnson (a board certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach). we talk about why it is so important to be your own doctor, setting yourself up for success and Dane tells us about his SHIELD program.

Make sure you don’t miss part 1 of our interview, you can watch it here first. https://www.kylamaki.com/dane-johnson-interview-part-1

I hope you enjoyed the interview, I’d love to hear from you. What is part of your shield you use to help you heal? Please share in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you next week!

All my best,



* Need a jumpstart to reclaim your life, check out my 28 day program. Where you will focus on you, connect with your deepest desires and learn the steps to feel alive and fulfilled again. *