The 3 Crucial Pillars for Good Health

November 7, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

When I was first healing I was overwhelmed with all the things I had to learn. Not only was I dealing with a ‘lifelong’ illness, I had to research what to eat, what supplements worked for my body, how my body wanted to move and more. I had to find people that could help guide me along the way and I had to learn how to guide myself.

Over time I discovered that simply focusing on my physical health wasn’t enough. While figuring out the requirements for my body helped me greatly it only got me so far in my healing journey.

What I found was that I had to look further than the physical and look into my mental, emotional and spiritual health.

I needed to examine how my thoughts and feeling affected my well-being. I also needed to have a connection with something greater than me and the deepest part of myself.

I asked myself the question what do I want my life to look like? What thoughts and beliefs are holding me back from living my desired life? How do I want to feel daily?

What part of myself am I am denying and not giving enough attention to. What is my purpose for being on this earth?

All of this led me to define my 3 pillars for health, which are like the legs for the overall picture of my health. (If my health were a stool, you get the picture.) Once I was able to incorporate all of these pillars in my life my health rocketed into a much better place.

In the video I discuss the 3 pillars for excellent health in more detail.

Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below please share what pillar comes easy for you? What pillar requires more of your attention? Are you focusing on one or two more than others?

Remember there will be times that we focus on one pillar more than the others but you want to have a good understand of what each means to you. What does each pillar require for it to be in the best health? Honouring all 3 will lead you to good health much faster.

Thanks for watching and sharing!

All my best,


To find out more about how I can help you check out my ‘Work with Me’ page or my ‘Praise’ page.