Your right to share your illness on your terms

November 29, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

How is your colitis Kyla? How is your tummy/ belly or whatever other question that relates to my ‘illness’? This is something that I used get asked all the time, I still get asked it but not as often. Now you may be saying what’s the big deal, people care about you so they ask.

And I agree but when it’s something that they ask every time they see me even though every time they ask I give the single word answer of great, it gets a really annoying. It makes me feel like I am defined by my illness in their eyes and nothing else. There are much better ways to make small talk.

Nothing gets me more fired up than people defining me by my illness or people feeling like I should be sharing how my health is. They are not asking a ‘healthy’ person how their health is so why ask me. Ask me how am I doing and if I feel like talking about my health I will but if not I won’t.

It took me a while to learn how to handle the question but over time I was able to set up boundaries that prevented this question from being asked or at least not asked that often.

In this week’s video, I talk about a situation that really annoyed me and why. I also talk about how to handle people asking about your illness or defining you by it.

Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below please share have you ever felt pressured to share things about your illness when you were not ready to?

How do you feel about people asking about your illness? Do you have strategies for handling nosy people?

Remember when diagnosed with an illness you don’t need to share anything before you are ready to. It is important to share details with the certain people in your life but the general public don’t need to know.

Thanks for watching and sharing!

All my best,


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