How to Handle Holiday Stress

December 12, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year, with all the lights, great food, visiting family and friends, parties and other holiday fun; I love it. But all the frivolity can be a bit stressful, while it can be good stress, it can still be stressful and this can affect my body.

Over the years there have been many Januarys where I am feeling the pain of over indulging and have to work then to heal from the holidays. It is a big pain (literally and figuratively) but I now have a new way of doing things.

In this week’s video, I talk about five ways you can make the holidays less stressful.

Now I’d love to hear from; how do you handle holiday stress? What things make it easier for you to enjoy the holidays, please post in the comments below.

Remember: the holidays don’t have to be defined by what you are supposed to do or what other people want you to do. They are supposed to be fun and enjoyable and not leave you feeling terrible by the end of it all. So do some tuning in to what you and make the holidays yours.

Thanks for watching and sharing!
