Grateful Thanks

October 6, 2017 By: KylaM - No Comments

The attitude of gratitude. You have probably heard this saying before and for this Thanksgiving we are going to be talking more about the attitude of gratitude.

This week is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, thanksgiving is not a holiday that I have given a lot of thought about or one that has a huge amount of significance for me. But this year I have been thinking more about the meaning of giving thanks and the power it can have in our life.

You see the attitude of gratitude can help us achieve our desires and is a part of living a healthy life. In this week’s video I will be sharing with you the 5 ways gratitude can make your life better.

Watch the video to learn more.

Remember that being grateful doesn’t have to take a lot of time. It’s simply the practice of having gratitude for a variety of things in our life. When you are having a bad day it can be hard to come up with things to be grateful for but I know there are things you can be grateful for. It can be anything, from something as simple as the sun shining, to your heart beating, to a really great meal.

Thanks for watching and Happy Thanksgiving!

All my best,



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